westernrvparkowner wrote:
CFerguson wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
^ Switch your mailing address to a PO Box before you go FT. Get all your cards and accounts you want/ need with no hassle. And if something changes down the road, deal with it then.
ime, post offices gladly allow you to use their street address + your POB number as anything else(eg, #, Apt, suite, etc) if someone requires that you have a "street" sddress. Ask them. Our small town southern PO encouraged us to use it to the point that it sounded like Policy.
So you'd list your box #456 POB address like:
joe blow
1002 Smalltown Street, Apt# 456
Anytown, State 00001
Added advantage is that UPS and FedEx deliver packages to them as well.
Bank software will instantly identify that as a PO Box and will almost assuredly raise additional red flags.
There are millions of people whose address is officially something such as;
John Smith
123 W 5th St
PO Box 11
Anytown WV
In a lot of semi rural areas where small Post offices exist that service small villages / boroughs/ towns, the USPS gives the residents a PO Box in said post office. They do not get rural delivery to a box on a post out front. You have to go to the post office and get your mail. They are all over the place in the Northeast. They also kind of suck since the USPS budget cuts. They may only be manned part time. If you get a parcel that will not fit in the box, you may only be able to get it M-F between 8:30 and Noon or Saturday morning between 8:30 and 11:30. Kind of a PITA if you work for a living
We've never had an issue in 25 years of living in such a location with a bank or anything else.