Adiabatman wrote:
West of Catskill is North-South Lake, a NY DEC facility: It's located about 10 miles southwest of Catskill off Rt 23A.
Our first time going through this area, we had planned to stop at North/South Lake. Unfortunately, we blew out the muffler on the genny and decided to find someplace with FHU instead of making all the neighbors mad at a quiet campground. We went to Saugerties KOA.
Being complete noobies, we made a noobie mistake that could have easily ended in tragedy. We followed the GPS from I-88 to Saugerties and TomTom took us down what can only be described as a fire road. Named Platt-Clove Road, it's a 13% downgrade, lane-and-a-half wide with traffic coming the other way (some kind of local shortcut). It was a white knuckle ride with several stops to let the brakes cool.
Last year we did the same route again on the way home from the winter trip. I considered Rt 23A, but it looked from the mountain guide and google maps satellite that there is a bit of a grade and one sharp turn, so we opted for the long way (Rt 23 to Rt 32). This route goes north of the steepest terrain and crossing The Dreaded Catskills was a non-issue.
North/South Lake looked like a very nice stop, but I would recommend to the OP to study the terrain between there and Catskills before deciding.