Roy&Lynne wrote:
Oh please, Chaco is on our bucket list, when you get back let me know how it was and the best road. I know it would be worth the bumps
Try calling the Visitors Center. I think that is where we were told to call for updates.
The road can vary from time to time, depending on recent weather & when they had graded the road last. In a few places very rough or mildly rough, some not too bad at all. We didn't want to take the Scamp last year, so just used the pickup & topper. Due to the campground being full, we had to drive the road twice, 4 times if counting into & out.
The entry via US 550 down from Bloomfield seems to be the better of the routes into the park. We did the one from Crownpoint years ago, longer on dirt & much more rough. At least at that time. I believe I noticed an RV park in
Bloomfield or maybe Aztec. Not sure how good any would be. Bloomfield is closer to the park than Farmington. We stayed at the BLM Angel Peak campground, south of Bloomfield. No water, pit toilets, on not to bad of sandy road, a little rough at the start only. Follow signs, GPS wanted to go on other roads if checking it out. Better description of the road in Part 2 below.
The Chaco campground was pretty good, dirt roads mainly (a little dusty), had water at the restrooms, which were good. But last morning, the one by us was closed, due to water break. Water & restrooms by visitor center as well. No showers.
Chaco Canyon Trip Part One in 2012. A hard one to get back into at times.
Part TwoKind of neat once there & the park loop road is paved.