Thanks for the post. Has totally changed my thoughts on KOA's to not blacklist them in our minds anymore just because they say KOA.
Since our early years as newbie RVers in the 90's we had such bad experiences with them based on price for facilities and staff/owners having the give us your money with every add on for this, that, and the other, there's your site, shut up and don't bother us attitude was our experience. As a newbie, we targeted KOAs as likely being a comfort thing based on the glossy ads/promos I guess.
Many years further on and improved comfort levels within ourselves,we've since discovered we enjoy being off grid moreso than in any RV CG. The exception of course is unless targeting a specific attraction in an area we can't avoid but to stay in an organized CG/RV Park.
Nice to read that where you stayed they adjusted the rate to compensate the renos going on as well for you. Smart marketing knowledge on their part that "word of mouth" (known today as Reviews) makes or breaks you in todays age.