Mar 28, 2020Moderator
Closure Threads
We have been trying to funnel all of the Coronavirus discussions (including park & campground closures) into one thread in Around The Campfire (ATC). The ATC moderator agrees that this has been a success with respect to the COVID discussions, but we're changing tactics on the park closures.
We will now be allowing posts for park & camp closures here again. Please keep your discussions on-topic. The two topics that have been problematic so far are discussions of politics and nutty home remedies & cures.
My sympathies are with all of you who have had to cancel upcoming trips and even more so with you who are already on the road, fulltiming, or permanent campers. You all have my well wishes.
We will now be allowing posts for park & camp closures here again. Please keep your discussions on-topic. The two topics that have been problematic so far are discussions of politics and nutty home remedies & cures.
My sympathies are with all of you who have had to cancel upcoming trips and even more so with you who are already on the road, fulltiming, or permanent campers. You all have my well wishes.