Forum Discussion

Thom02099's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 14, 2020

CO 14/Poudre Canyon Closure-Cameron Peak Update 10.18.20

Another highway closure due to a fire that has exploded in size.
CO 14 through Poudre Canyon west of Fort Collins is now closed due to the Cameron Peak fire in the area of Chambers Lake. Closure is at Rustic on the east side and in Walden on the west side, a distance of about 45 miles. Mandatory evacuations in the immediate area around Chambers Lake Campground, Tunnel Campground and Browns Park Campground in addition to a lot of boondocking areas along the Laramie River Road. Voluntary evacuations in the area closer to Rustic, included the Archer's Resort area, as well as the area west of Red Feather Lakes.

Fire has rapidly grown to over 1500 acres, and is in an area with a lot of beetle kill stands. Low humidity, winds and rough terrain are hampering firefighting efforts.

ETA: D'oh! Thought I posted this in Roads and Routes. Moderator, if you can move please?