cdevidal wrote:
Another possibility: One of those 12V peltier coolers like this:
Wagan EL6224 Wagan Tech 12V Cooler/Warmer - 24L Capacity
Costs $82, uses 40W, has a 24L capacity. Fill it with water, pump that underneath you all night using a DC pump, no DC/AC conversion. Not sure how much cooling load that can handle though. Someone know more about peltier coolers?
This commenter states that peltiers on average remove 1W of heat for every 2W of input power, and are much less efficient than conventional cooling systems with pumps and refrigerant. (spitballing here) the average person produces 100W of heat. If we only need to remove half that heat -- not trying to make them frozen, just cooler -- that's 50W that needs to be removed. 100W of peltier is needed, or 8.3A x 9 hours = 75AH for one person.
Clearly peltiers are no where near as efficient as say the ice machine in the opening post.
Would be interesting if someone could somehow run water tubing through the roof A/C and utilize that cooling power. It's already installed, and is more efficient than a peltier. If it cools you enough you'd only run it a little bit every night.
I'm just tossing out ideas at this point.