I am not sure who saw the video on hydroxychloroquine the other day that was subsequently taken down by facebook. I have now received some emails from acquaintances who are now circulating it like a chain letter. If you get one, below is a response you can send out to them.
-There are no scientific double blind studies that demonstrate Hydroxychloroquine works. Recovery form Covid follows very erratic patterns, and why a 100 year old individual will recover and a 30 year old succumb, is largely unknown. You could give someone sugar cubes have them recover and claim the sugar did it. There is no way to prove cause and effect.
-Hydroxychloroquine can cause heart arythmia in some people. Since Covid also stresses the heart, it is possible some people given it have died when they may have otherwise survived. No way to tell.
-About 1 in 20 people suffer from an X Chromosome transmitted genetic defect called G6PD. Like most X chromosome defects, this nearly always affects men and is prevalent in both Black & Mediterranean populations. (10% of the population in parts of Italy) It only affects women if they inherit 2 defective X Chromosones. This defect is known to make your chances of survival from Covid less, and may be part of the reason the disease hit Italy so hard, and also hits black populations hard. It may also explain why men are less likely to survive than women. Most people do not even know they have it as it is asymptomatic, and as it happens Hydroxychloroquine can be very dangerous to people with this condition and can cause extreme anemia and hemolysis.
-Hydroxychloroquine is prescribed to people with Lupus and rheumatoid problems. Studies of people on the drug for these 2 legitimate conditions have shown they are no less likely to die from Covid than people not on the drug. This is probably the best indication that it is probably ineffective for Covid.
-People trying Hydroxychloroquine for Covid usually take it in conjunction with an antibiotic. Since bacterial pneumonia is often a by-product of Covid, this aspect could help.
-People getting on the hydroxychloroquine bandwagon are causing shortages of this drug for people who need it for the purpose for which it was originally intended.
-The woman in the video is a known nut case, She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches. She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by ‘reptilians’ and other aliens. Most MD’s are reliable but there are ones out there that are not. This one in particular seems to be a case, of “the treadmills running, but the hamster is gone”
-The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine, the 2 most respected medical journals currently consider this snake oil, and until proven otherwise that is what this is. It can also be dangerous so spreading videos like this is really not doing anyone any favors. They can cause people to self medicate with a drug that is known to be dangerous to maybe 15% of the population.
-If you want to try something that has been written up in the Lancet, try taking Vitamin D supplements. There is a strong indication that adding maybe 2000 IU a day can help. People with dark skin do not absorb Vitamin D well via sunlight and especially when they move to cloudier climates. This could help explain the higher death rate among American blacks, and also nursing homes where residents do not get out. A study in Indonesia showed 85% of Covid deaths had Vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin D is know to improve respiratory health and it won’t harm taking it as long as you don’t overdo it. Some studies on this are now being done, but at least it’s not harmful to take.