We have stayed at
1) International RV - couple hundred sites
2) Rose Bay RV - Encore Park - 30A only
3) Sunshine Holiday Daytona - Encore Park
4) Bulow Plantation - Encore Park
You will have to call and check on monthly rates. All have them. None are 1st tier RV places, but not bad.
And as mentioned there are so many others.
One thing to remember about Daytona, and Florida in general, is the limitations on routes which congest traffic. There is a LOT of swamp in Florida, beginning about 10 miles from the ocean and extending 20-30 miles inland from that.
It is much more congested and difficult to avoid traffic than Missouri.
Daytona Beach is a big city with all the issues of a fast growing area with limited land available. Though the city only has a population of about 70,000, the metro area has near 700,000.
In Missouri, only St Louis and Kansas City are larger than Daytona Beach in area population. And at only about 2,000 square miles, it is dense in places.
The good news is the area only near doubles in size population wise for short periods of time in the first three months of the year. First NASCAR, then Bike Week, then Spring Break. Lots of ER business for hospitals.
You need to look at your commute. Talk to people with the possible employer about how they get around, and deal with the issues.
Basic costs are going to be higher than Missouri as mentioned above.
One thing we noticed during the winter of 2018-19 when we stayed two months in the Daytona area is that Florida seems to be on a program where any highway improvement turns the rebuilt mileage into a toll-road. Only I-95, I-4 are 'free' as far as limited access highways.
Climate, the closer to the ocean the better. Cool, but not cold winters. Snow has been seen in Daytona, I think. It got down to 15 in January once. Locals are going to be bundled up like the North Pole as you walk around in a light sweater.
Closer to the ocean, the breezes off the water make the summer nicer than much of Missouri. Get on the inland side of I-95, it is going to be closer to muggy and humid. The record high temp in Daytona Beach is 102.