When I worked I was in a similar boat, though my vacation time eventually increased to 6 weeks over a long period of time. Personally, I don’t like cities or crowds so the cities would be on the very bottom of my list. I liked to stay somewhere longer than it took me to get there, so when I had 2 weeks I usually tried to keep it to no more than 1000 miles. Yellowstone-Tetons were a favorite and there were many parks closer. Yellowstone, Colorado, the Upper Peninsula and upstate New York would all appeal to me. But I wouldn’t have traveled for 2 weeks to spend a week somewhere.
Key West is unique, we were there in January. But that wasn’t a camping trip; we were visiting a son in Jacksonville. It was another 1,000 mile trip and I didn’t want to go. But the DW did, so we went.:D But I don’t think I’d want to go to southern FL in the summer, I’d be more inclined toward a cooler area.
I also sometimes didn’t have a destination and my object was to just see the country. Then I planned to drive a loop that I could complete within the time I had. I also allowed time to spend a few days in areas I particularly liked so I didn’t feel I was doing an endurance drive. In those cases I might check out a city if it had something to attract me, but I tried to minimize the time I spent there.
No one can plan your trip for you, you’ll just have to weigh the alternatives and go for the one that most appeals to you. Good luck and have a great trip.