Ozlander wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Something to think about. I have personally built over 100 Dental Clinics and I have been behind the scenes in many of them after they are up and running. They are extremely careful with sanitizing the instruments that go into your mouth.
Your Health and your money just something to mull over. Before treatment ask to be shown the Lab and Sterilization rooms.
I think you know where I get my Dental work done!
Driving nails for a living does NOT make you a dentist expert.
I knew I would get this type of response!
I was hands on and fully understood the workings in and out of a dental clinic.
Do what you want no skin off my nose. If you need to criticize me personally to justify your choice go for it.
I was a "Construction Superintendent", to be clear I did start out pounding nails. I was in complete charge of the project start to finish.