In Kansas six years ago we watch the local TV to see where a tornado was going in relation to the campground we were in. The slides were in and we were unhooked from the campground services and ready to move if it came our way. Fortunately it past 5 miles north of our location and we hooked up to the campground services once the front was gone.
Today weather tap zoom is my favorite smart phone weather program. This past summer it let me know I needed to slow down and let a hail storm pass in front of me.

On the night the fires got out of hand in Gatlinburg I looked at that app at 9:30 PM and it showed multiple cells in the front moving at over 115 miles an hour west of Knoxville. Having seen how fast a fire can be pushed through the tops of trees with heavy winds I would've gotten out of the Gatlinburg area by 10PM IF I'd been in the area.
As a pilot I've always been more aware about the weather than most but today it's easy to be aware. I highly recommend Zoom Weather and learn how to access all the info it has.I agree you can take anything too far