It isn't always about the money. You can lease a great vehicle for a relatively low monthly payment. If all you are trying to do is not spend money, get rid of the RV, the Lot in Florida and hunker down for the winter. Leasing makes great sense when all you want is the use of the vehicle and also don't want the risk that it will fall out of favor in three years. Then you would be way upside down if you had financed the vehicle with payments equal to the lease payment, since to get that payment would require a much longer term. I like leasing my toy vehicles, since they are for pleasure, not profit. They are not investments. I leased my BMWs and a Mercedes Convertible for multiple hundreds of dollars less per month than I would have paid to purchase them. I didn't mind turning them in at the end of the lease because I was ready for a different toy. When my M5 lease expires, who knows what will be catching my fancy, but the odds are in three years I will be ready for something else. Can't easily change wives and jobs, but cars are a cinch with a lease.