What is the name of this park you're talking about. Wouldn't happen to be Shadow Mountain would it? If so, we've stayed there several times in both our 26' trailer and 36 motor home. Some of the spaces are a little small, as this is an older park that wasn't designed for big rigs, but completely doable in our 36 mh.
We did have some problems getting out, as the drainage dip on the side of the roads causes the tail of the motor home to drag....it was easier to back out the way we pulled into the site.
Yes, there were cars/trucks in the roadway that hampered entry/exiting....but we just ask them to move for a few minutes and never had a problem. Everyone we met there were friendly and helpful.
One problem (other than the drainage problem) we encountered was that there are a lot of cotton wood trees there and they shed all over the place. I had to get up on the roof and sweep off the slide out tops before bringing them in.
Personally, I kindly liked the place, but I seriously doubt if we would stay there in our new 43 footer.