APS in Yuma charges .05899696 per KWH. Having said that then the other charges start as follows:
Customer account charge
Delivery service charge
Environmental benefits surcharge
System benefits charge
Power supply charge
Meter reading
Generation of Electricity
Federal transmission and ancillary services
Federal transmission cost adjustment
LFCR adjustor
Plus Taxes and Fees as follows:
Regulatory assessment
Sate sales tax
City sales tax
Franchise fee
In my case the power cost per KWH is only 39% of the bill, all the rest of the charges amount to 61% of the bill. Some of these are fixed charges per month, others vary according to the amount of KWH used. That is why the cost is never the same for any one address. My cost this last month equaled .1512158 per KWH. I used a total of 329 KWH's from Nov5th to Dec 5th. This powered the refrigerator, some air-conditioning and any other 110 volts systems. We have Aqua Hot so that is run by diesel. Our lights(LED's) are run off the batteries which are charged by solar. I am able to put my battery charger on "Standby" so it will NOT charge the battery.