kcmoedoe wrote:
docj wrote:
kcmoedoe wrote:
docj wrote:
Many people here have probably received an email from RVParkReviews.com asking that you check and verify your user name for that site. This is NOT SPAM.
As an admin for RVParkReviews let me clarify this request. The current site software does not associate reviews of parks with a displayed individual's name (obviously, the system knows who submits each review). However, the new software platform we are migrating to next month will display a name for each review in much the same way that TripAdvisor does.
Many RVPR's members used their real names when they signed up to join the site. Some took advantage of the ability to create a "display name" but many did not. This didn't matter if names weren't associated with reviews but it might bother some people to have their names publicly linked to some reviews they have posted, particularly unfavorable ones.
The purpose of this email is to give members the chance to change the name that will be displayed. It does not require you to make a change; it only notifies you of the right to do so if you wish.
Here's the link to the webpage where you can check your RVPR account settings: RVPR account settings
So people who have posted reviews in the past, with the assumption they would be anonymous, are now going to have their names associated with those past reviews? Bet the RV park owners are salivating like Pavlov's dog knowing they will soon KNOW who posted rants rather than just having to make an educated guess.
If you read my post carefully you would have seen that I stated that people are being given a chance to change their Display Names if they happened to have used their real names at the time the registered on the site. If they change their display name it will affect ALL previously posted reviews. No one will have their name displayed if they do not wish to do so. Thanks for a chance to further clarify this issue.
That's all fine for the people who read these forums, who read the forums at rvparkreviews.com and the like. It isn't too great for the vast majority of people who have e-mails from places like rvparkreviews, tripadvisor and scads of other sites sent directly to their junk mail files on the way to the trash file. What about all the people who have changed e-mail addresses and aren't getting those e-mails. Their reviews are now going to have personal identifiers? It is akin to this site suddenly sending out an email saying if you don't file an opt out we are going to release all the personal information we have gathered on all the participants to whomever wants it. Changes like this usually require an opt in, not a opt out. Tens of thousands of reviews were posted with the understanding that no user identification would ever be associated with those reviews. To retroactively change that policy doesn't sit well with me.
Every person logging into the new website for the first time will be directed to a page where they can review and edit their display name. Between the emails, the currently posted notice on the RVPR website and this mechanism we believe we have provided adequate notification to members of this change in policy.