time2roll wrote:
So when the post office was ready to send every American a mask last March but was cancelled from the top... they did all they could for prevention or increasing the spread?
Some people's hero, Dr Fauci said in March, no need to wear masks. They won't work.
When NY needed ventilators and the Feds held back, was that doing everything?
Early April - reported in several news sources
On Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted, “Thousand of Federal Government (delivered) Ventilators found in New York storage. N.Y. must distribute NOW!”
Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded to the claim that day, saying, “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where the supposed to be because we don’t need them yet. We need them for the apex.”
When feds would not help states get masks and then criticize when governors bought direct from asia... some with no bid rush contracts. That was all they could do?
States and Fed gov bidding against each other to procure masks, yeah, that's all the feds fault.
Maybe the top could have encouraged the use of a mask even if his was not needed in the executive bubble? How hard could that be?
Didn't say he was perfect.
Leadership was weak at best.'
Lets see, he also sent the hospital ship to NY that Cuomo didn't use (or didn't use initially). He also used the DPA to manufacture ventilators and industry cranked out more than we needed, which is great. Vaccine created in less than a year. Even the liberals say that was a modern day miraculous achievement. Did his leadership and engagement help make that happen? Absolutely. If you think it didn't, then you're naive at best.
With maybe 5% immunized I am not sure that has had a big effect yet. Although I do believe it gives many hope that there will be an end. Hope that gives strength to wear the stupid mask one more day. The vaccine was not really developed by the federal government. I believe the first approval took NO government money. So it was inevitable regardless of leadership. Did it happen, yes. Do I give much credit to the fed leadership, no.
I will go out on a limb and make the sad observation that nothing anyone says will ever change your viewpoint. Newsome and the rest of the people on that side of the aisle are fantastic and to quote you earlier, at least Newsome is trying. Give me a friggin break.
No convincing you of anything, Im sure.