Yup; you're in for a real learning curve fighting for a precious site at the Florida State Parks in the Keys. The method of going online for the 8:00AM (eastern) lottery is the standard way to get a site, but you have to be really really really really lucky to get one that way. The two or three (normally) available sites each day disappear within SECONDS of the clock striking 8:00AM.
The alternative is to try to get a site through a cancellation. Many people grab their site reservation and do a lot of overbooking, just because it's so difficult to get a site. Then, when they refine their plans as time gets closer, they cancel. Cancellations can happen literally at any time, so there's no way to plan it. Again, you have to be lucky. But in my opinion, the luck needed to get a "virgin" site at 8:00AM is far greater. Join me and thousands of other people vulturing the cancellations.
There are other secrets that I just can't bring myself to tell you about, just because the competition is so fierce. You'll have to figure them out yourself. Sorry! But it's all part of the fun!
We'll be staying a week at Pennekamp and a week at Bahia Honda in late April. Can't wait! We've had these reservations since last May. We'll be staying at Topsail up in the Panhandle at the beginning of April. We got 4 nights there through a cancellation, and we're hoping to expand it to 6 nights. We'll have to move sites after 4 nights, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.