Sink holes were a common problem in Hudson FL in the area my parents first home was in.
What actually happened when people had a sink hole was that the insurance companies payed to fix the sink holes. There would be a convoy of cement trucks pumping cement into the ground and they had it down to a science. They could bring your home back up right to the point that the cracks in drywall came together.
But, after a second full blown sink hole repair the house would become totally not insurable for sink hole damage. That is why after a first sink hole repair many people sell because they do not want to be the owner if and when the second one comes along.
On another subject, we looked seriously at real estate in San Antonio TX in January 2007. Their homes were not cheap at all!
And then there was the crazy way they handled property taxes and the fact that there is no circuit breaker on the amount a person's taxes can go up in any year. If the average value of homes in your subdivision doubled in three years, your property taxes would double. There is no limit tied to inflation or anything else. At least that is how the real estate salesman who was trying to sell us a home explained it to us. It was not in his best interest to scare us away like that, but he did.
So there is no one perfect place to live and no free lunches either.