esyers wrote:
I've never been to Ft. Delaware but it sounds to me like you're very "overbooked" already. You won't have time to see very much with so many places with so much to explore. Of course YMMV :)
Double ditto. Special Note: Kids tire of just looking at things and want to have something to do like swimming. I would take that list and break it into two or three separate trips.
Go to an area like Jamestown and Norfolk, park in a cg, see the sites but also insert some days in between filled with recreational activities for the kids.
Gettysburg is great combined with Emmitsburg and Frederick MD.
DC is a week all by itself and you still won't be able to see every thing: Smithsonian, memorials, etc. The Smithsonian itself can be visited for several trips and you still won't see it all.
RVing isn't about checking off a bucket list. It's about enjoying the family and savoring the places.