I am not retired and neither is my spouse. We also have a child in school. Unfortunately I have to schedule vacation in December for the entire next year, choosing a week at a time. I can't just pick the weeks I want, I have to pick one week and after everyone else picks a week, I get to choose another week. 2 people can't be on vacation at the same time. So you can see a little bit of dilemma for us.
Therefore we use the week as we can. Normally usually leaving a Friday afternoon or Saturday morning and returning the following weekend. When going to someplace like a GA State park, we will make a reservation for a site that we will fit in and accept it if it works when we get there. We rarely camp in GA State Parks. We more or less camp in COE parks there.
Fortunately, NC State Parks (where we live now, used to live in Georgia) allows you to reserve specific sites.
I see no need to complain about it, it's the way it is.