kohldad wrote:
I like it because while I still have a reservation, I get to choose from the available sites when I get there. Plus it evens the playing field some against the locals who would otherwise reserve the best site months in advance. That is a problem I have with site specific reservations.
Without detailed pictures or local knowledge, making a site specific reservation is a hazard because while the site may be nice, the tree arrangement may make it very hard to get a rig into the site.
The biggest negative thing I hear is when groups want to stay on adjacent sites. However, not having a large group adjacent to each other is a good thing IMO since it does tend to cut down on a large rowdy group on one site late at night.
GA has some fantastic campgrounds, so I sure wouldn't stay away because of the reservation system. If you want more choices, just arrive on a Tuesday after most folks have gone home but before the early arrivals for the next weekend.
Double ditto all. Go early and you'll have your pick in person. We prefer first come first serve. The people of Georgia seem to as well and see it as the most fair. Since it's their state and their taxes, I have no problem with their choices. I've camped in GA SPs for years. They have no lack of customers in their beautiful SPs.
If you work take a sick day and arrive early.
As the OP is from FL I'll clue you in to a bit of advice: people resent someone who comes from another state and starts complaining then telling them how to run things. First rule of camping is to go with the flow and relax. Camping is about shared family time and meeting interesting people in a natural setting, not about getting the best site which you can't do with complete satisfaction until you try it with your rig in person anyway.
No one's trying to cheat you in the GA SPs like you'll find in some privately run cgs. When you retire you'll appreciate what we're saying even if you don't get it now.