The world has been warming for the last 12,000 years when a certain event occurred. Without any human involvement then or now. That event was the end of the last Ice Age. There are a number of Roman cities that were on the coast then but are now way under the sea. Rising sea level has been going on for 12,000 years and hasn't slowed down or gotten any faster. There are caves here in Florida, now 30 or 40 feet under water than have signs of human habituation. Dp human CO2 production was required to make the sea level increase that much.
The idea that a minor atmospheric component, one that makes up 0.03% of the atmospheric gasses, is wreaking havoc is just silly. And it isn't even the strongest green house gas, water vapor is much more powerful green house gas and it is hundreds of times higher concentration in the air.
And I notice none of the Climanista have answered my question about why they hide data and refuse to debate. When confronted with real data they vanish.