Allendale/West Grand Rapids KOA on Warner St in Allendale area on the south side of the Grand River, close to the river, about half way between Grand Rapids and Grand Haven. Grand Haven on Lake Michigan with it's superb sugar sand beaches, long boardwalk, free live entertainment, and so much for kids, adults, and entire families to do everyday without draining your wallet give additional options. Also a dozen or so CG's there too. Approx 32 miles west of Grand Rapids by Interstate.
Conestoga Grand River Campground on Oriole Drive on the north side of the Grand River about across from the KOA and the Michigan State Park huge Recreation area. On a hill overlooking the river with a paved few hundred foot long road going down to the river, beach, boat launch, and docks. Directly across the wide river from the large Riverside County Park.
Both of these CG's are in a very rural setting and wooded.