Sorry if I ruffled your feathers with my post comparing our personal experiences between Gros Ventre and Colter Bay. I wasn't trying to bad mouth Colter Bay, it just isn't our favorite for a number of reasons. We have used Colter Bay less than 10 times, so our experience may not be typical or comparable to yours. Lots of folks must like Colter Bay, as always been pretty full the times we have been there.
I ended my post with a suggestion to the OP to try Colter Bay, since he has already been to Gros Ventre. Personal experience is the best way to make a comparison and he may prefer Colter Bay for the reasons you mentioned.
BTW, we have used the two restaurants at Colter Bay on a number of occasions and love the Pizza at Leeks Marina. We also use Colter Bay for doing laundry, the reason we spent a night there this past June.