The beauty of this hobby/lifestyle is that there's something to make everyone happy. And if you don't know what makes you happy, you will before long. Most good experiences are the result of previous bad experiences.
When I was still working, a group of us, (12 to 16) used to "do" Hilton Head to play golf once a year. The same person made the reservations for the hotel and all the tee times. We played 36 holes a day for 7 days, followed by stopping in a restaurant on the way back to the hotel each night and hitting the sack before dark. I needed a vacation from my vacation.
So, now, I go where I want to, see and do what I want to for as long as I want to, eat what I choose, and hit the sack when I choose. That's called "A Happy Camper".
And I still play golf with a good friend. 9 holes about 8 times a year, and we don't even keep score. That's enough for both of us.