I have been using StaBil for years in my boat gas over the winter months. Still try to run it once a month or so on a warm day. Never run it dry. ALWAYS use 100% gas in it. It is an older multi carb motor and no problems with gumming up over the Winter.
On small engines I use StaBil in the gas 12 months a year now. Usually use a 10% or less ethanol mix, sometimes 100% gas. No problem with gumming up, even on a 20 year old Homelite genny that I only crank a couple of times a year. Never run them dry or try to drain carb. Maybe I am just lucky but I am convinced the StaBil ( or similar product ) makes the difference. Years ago I always ran my small engines dry but did not use StaBil. That seemed to work but more effort.
That being said, I think I am going to start using 100% gas AND StaBil for these engines too just to be sure.