NCWriter wrote:
We found the ruins to be very special, though of course not on the size scale of Mesa V or Chaco. Very glad we made the effort to go.
The path around the top of the small canyon is walkable probably even with a cane slowly, but my suggestion is to go to your right after leaving the visitor center..continue halfway and turn back. You will see it from both sides and different sun angles...but a full circuit means very, very rough footing (sliding) down into the canyon and back up. For me it was impassable, so I backtracked, returned the way I came.
We also got directions from the ranger to the El Cajon section...a memorable experience on dirt ad rough rock roads. Very isolated ruins, no one else there or for miles around. Off in the distance you can make out Monument Valley.
Although on a much smaller scale than Mesa Verde, to me Hovenheep was equally fascinating.