What I am hearing on tv from officials and from this forum is that the RGV was not affected by this disaster. However, that area makes it an ideal staging area for various federal, state, and non-profit organizations such as the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, etc. because of the availability of full services in that area. Organizations domiciled in the RGV could help meet the needs of at least part of southern and coastal Texas. If a certain number of snowbirds have an expertise in reconstruction after a disaster and disaster management and would contact one of the above organizations letting them know about your expertise, I believe one of those unaffected sites in the RGV would be made available to you for the winter. At least there would be sites available for dry camping for those "off the grid" because of solar panels on their campers. If one had a passport, replenishing supplies across the Mexican border adjacent to the RGV would take a lot of pressure off the now fragile coastal Texas economy.