The reason many go there is to connect with friends or specialty groups such as their RV manufacturer, ham radio operators, there's a group of RVers and every one has disabilities and they hash out problems and RVing help, perhaps doing minor repairs for others, there are single women groups that get together and just any interest group you can think of will be there.
We've attended Newmar's rally and they sent technicians there for servicing and talks.
We belong to Escapees and there is a big 'Boomer' rally with 100-200 attendees for a 2-week period. Most are full-timers who come year after year just for this rally and see each other inbetween times as they travel throughout the year. They are friends. Some don't even go into town for shopping anymore - been there, done that.
They have activities at the campsite - morning pancake breakfasts, potlucks, chili cook-offs, happy hours, a big campfire with music and singing, someone will show a movie on a big screen outside, women do their thing with crafts and talk as will the men. The men go on a donut run for breakfast and also organize a garbage run collecting with pickups and taking to the landfill. There's a morning hike daily, 4-wheeling trips, ATVing, an outing to the Desert Bar, a day of geocaching, canoeing/kayaking on the river, group talks on many subjects, pizza in a homemade brick oven, etc., etc. All this is done by posting a suggestion on a white board and it just happens.
Quartzsite is picked as the gathering place because there aren't many large, easily accessible places where groups can meet up. It's a 'happening' year after year. What great fun!!!