Forum Discussion

mikeleblanc413's avatar
Mar 23, 2014

International Bridge Parking at Weslaco, Texas

I had posted this in another section and it was suggested that I might try here:

The first of April I'll be headed to Weslaco and am planning to stay at the 1015 RV Park. I'm told the park is an easy 6 mile drive to the bridge. I'll walk over the bridge and one block to my dental appointment.

I travel in a Class C and do not pull a toad. I've been told there is a parking lot at the bridge where people leave their cars while in Mexico for the day.

Here's my question. Is it safe enough to leave Winnie with Baby Girl (my Catahoula) in it for the morning. My appointments are at 9 am and I don't see being over there more than 4 hours or so. My other choice is to get a cab and leave Baby Girl in Winnie at the RV Park.

I'm not committed to 1015 RV Park. It was a referral. I would certainly appreciate any input that would make it easier...and the site less expensive. All thoughts are appreciated. THANKS!
  • 1015 is probably as good as any for your purpose. We have not heard of any issues with either bridge parking lot. The west one is larger. Majority of Winter Texas will have left by then. Expect the temperatures to be in the 80-90s.
  • You may want to schedule your day at the dentist according to weather conditions so your pet is comfortable unless of course you have a generator.

    Your vehicle and pet should be fine/safe in either the right or left parking lot. We prefer the one on the left. :C

  • All above is good info, but if it is a warm day I would worry about leaving my pet in the RV without AC.
  • Looks reasonably safe for daylight use. Parking will not be a problem. Be aware that it will be quite warm in April.
  • Just before the bridge there is parking lots on both side of the road, I have always used the one on the right, it is a lot larger than the one on the left side of road. It cost $2 to park there I have not heard of any problems there. It costs you 50 cents to walk across the bridge going south and then it cost 35 cents to come back across. You have to have a pass port to get back in the USA
  • When we were there that parking lot appeared to be watched and was as safe as I would think any were in that area. We used it a few times.