Hope that is not San Diego.
New Mexico does have some great spots in the mountains for summer but they tend to get crowded (no problem on BLM land in desert in winter). Colorado, Wyoming and Montana are a lot better. We spent last summer in Washington and Oregon and hope to return. We plan to go to Labrador and Newfoundland this summer but Elaine may need a total knee replacement fairly soon and that may put this trip on hold.
The east side of New Mexico is not as good as the west side for boondocking, it is all low rainfall prairie (desert to most folks).
But our attitude remains "Goldilocking" as "not to hot, not to cold, just right!" wrote on a thread a while back that we were at younger son's place in Fort Collins in mid-summer and it was 103 (we did plug in back then for ac) and we just drove up the Poudre (which has excellent Forest Service CGs that are crowded and a lot of dispersed camping). We wound up at Long Draw Reservoir area (pulled from Rocky Mountain NP when it was turned into a reservoir) at 10,400' or so and found some excellent dispersed sites ($0). It was down to 38 F at night (4 C) and a maximum of 72 F during the day (22 C).
You always want to drive in and out of these possible sites without pulling your rig. We had spent a day driving about in our 4x4 dualie pickup (great for hauling but to long a bed and cab for 4-wheeling - but it does great in pulling in sand and gravel - always go in using 2 wheel drive so you have the 4 x 4 backup to get out). Carry a mountain bike to check out sites if we are somewhere and do not want to unhook for recon.
So, it is go north or up in elevation for cool and the reverse for warmth.
Reed and Elaine