Looking for a place to visit in the area of Joseph OR. We like USFS type sites and prefer to boondock. Any suggestions or places to stay away from? Thanks
It's been many years since I camped over in the Wallowa area, always went to the state park which was very nice. USFS CG's weren't much back in the old days and the roads in the forest weren't really suitable for pulling a FW or TT; those were the days of PU campers and tents. If I were ging over there now, I'd still pick the state park near Joseph; the Wallowa Mountains are really something to see.
South of the town of Imnaha along the road following the river there are several nice boondocking campsites. Also up in the national forest there are lots of parks, or just find a nice place and camp. That is a beautiful area. I guess it isn't open yet, but if it is open when you get there, go up to Hat Point above Imnaha, great view down into Hells Canyon.