woodtrucker wrote:
So do I need to pre book the trip? That’s really only thing west worries me about.
Other than that, I think we can burn 3 weeks but that’s about all the time we’ve got.
3 weeks in my mind rules out both options.
- Key West...even if you take your time 3-4 days down and 3-4 days back...that leaves you 2 full weeks. To do more than just sit on the beach for 2 weeks, it's going to get expensive doing boat trips, snorkling, etc..., each day...and even then it may get boring pretty quick. Problem is you are pinned down by the limited road system. Now if it's part of a larger Florida trip, that's different.
- Out west, there is plenty to see and do but it's likely going to be 4-6,000 miles. That's 200-300miles per day average...that's a lot of driving.
Of course, you haven't clarified what "out west" is.
- Spend 3 days hard driving to hit Denver, spend 2 weeks wandering Colorado and then 3 days hard driving home...More driving that we like but if you only have 3 weeks, it's doable and not hard to stay busy in the Colorado mountains for a couple weeks.
- If you are thinking Glacier NP, Yellowstone NP, down into Utah Big 5, followed by Grand Canyon and then home...that would be an absolute miserable trip where you do nothing but drive.
I wouldn't worry about reservations except at key locations (like Yellowstone).