westernrvparkowner wrote:
Richert wrote:
KOA is for people who have no idea that there are a lot of less expensive CG's out there that are very nice and you don't pay high prices. My last experience with KOA was about 10 years ago, I needed a place to sleep with just electric, price then was like $30, looked in my CG book from Good Sam and found a CG about 5-10 miles down the road for $15 and had water & Electric. Of course there was no playground, gameroom, swimming pool, and all the other stuff we don't use. CG owners need to realize what the difference needs are for all the different campers out there. All that to say "Stay away from KOA"
It is much more likely that KOA is for all the people who want some or all of those amenities who do not want to travel 5 or 10 miles out of their way. Trying to be the low cost provider is often not a good business strategy.
Exactly. My kids like pools, craft activities, nature demonstrations, etc. I don't regularly stay at KOA or Jellystone Parks... but we try to go to at least one of these types of parks every year for the kids to have a chance to let loose and have fun. Its a LOT cheaper than going to a waterpark.
They aren't for everyone, and I certainly couldn't afford to make it standard operating procedure to stay at them all the time.
On the other hand, sometimes I want/need a bare bones park and don't want to pay for amenities. Thankfully my trailer has wheels and we can drive until we find the park we want.