One thing that I found running just a grp 27 and my simple solar set up is that with just a few hours of sun in the morning the battery was fully charged at nightfall. We don't have big inverters, multiple TVs or coffee makers (that we use), so the voltage drop by the time the system started charging again the next morning was so little that the battery was in float very quickly. Once in float the panel covered any loads I put on it during the day even if I turned everything I had on including the furnace.
Generators are instant gratification, start it up, plug it in and go. Should you need AC, the microwave or other large 120v items, they are a nessesity. Smaller items can be run off of a smaller inverter and your two 6v batts.
Solar depends on your needs and if you camp in a area with good sun. This is sunny Colorado and I notice you are in Washington. That could be a issue as when we were in Seattle a few months ago, I barely remember seeing the sun. lol
In any event know that you could put together a simple solar system like our 230w system for around $400 if it would work for you vs twice that for the Honda. Instant gratification vs silence.