Dec 31, 2016Explorer
Long Key State Park. Rat infestation.
We just left Long Key State Park. Our favorite campground. Each year we have had rats in our campsite but it was just a nuisance. No big deal. Not this year. They got into my truck. And did damage. Why would they chew on a seat belt? Urine was on every seat. There was a Rice Krispie treat in the truck. It was in a sealed ziplock. I normally remove all eatables each night. But not this one time. So I put out a rat sized sticky pad. Found one large rat. Modified the trucks interior exhaust vent flaps hoping this was the entry point. It was not. After thoroughly cleaning the truck two sticky pads were placed in the floorboard. No rat this tim. Just rat hair. The third night the process was replayed and a large rat was in a sticky pad. Our stay was over so we checked out. The staff at
Long Key are trying hard to control the rats but they are loosing the battle. I did try the moth balls. The dryer sheets. And Irish Spring. The rats did not care. My neighbor had damage to his motorcycle seat. Rats got under his cover and chewed holes in the seat. I'm not trying to slam the staff. They are trying to control this. But if you have a stay planed at Long Key be aware there are too many rats there. Maybe after the campground is closed for a year next October thighs will improve. And I have not found the entry point yet.
Long Key are trying hard to control the rats but they are loosing the battle. I did try the moth balls. The dryer sheets. And Irish Spring. The rats did not care. My neighbor had damage to his motorcycle seat. Rats got under his cover and chewed holes in the seat. I'm not trying to slam the staff. They are trying to control this. But if you have a stay planed at Long Key be aware there are too many rats there. Maybe after the campground is closed for a year next October thighs will improve. And I have not found the entry point yet.