I hope he doesn't succeed. Poverty Point is an above exceptional park and RV park as are some others, which names escape me right now.
Every Politician looks for some targets as goats to "balance budgets" etc.
They would be cutting their own throat. There is a scarcity of quality private parks and the good ones are not, perhaps, usually, where you want to spend some time. The last time we stopped at Poverty Point, we did see a bear, and we spent about 500.00 for some supplies and to eat in the area. if that park hadn't been there, we would have proceeded on to Texas and spent the money.
We didn't know the park but it was convenient on our way. next time we will make it a destination with rods a boat see what else there is to see and do.
Just think that one stop might generate several thousand dollars from just one couple over a bit of time. I wonder how many other couples spent that and a lot more. The circle was full of RVs, and lots of bicyclers, and fishermen with stings, of Crappie.