I received this email yesterday:
In regards to the Martha lake closure this year. It seems that when fishing season closes on July 31st, most of our visitors become disrespectful recreationalist and squatters. These individuals unfortunately misuse and abuse Fish and Wildlife land and resources. This results in large amounts of WDFW staff time, maintenance, cleanup and enforcement. In years past, we have consistently handled multiple issues with these certain group of individuals. Your single call to report the squatters was not the only result of the closure. (sic) We have had multiple complaints and handled consistent problems at this site. I closed the gate on August 7th to walk in camping only. Sorry if this was an inconvenience for you but we believe our actions to close the gate are in the best interest to everyone. Feel free to contact me with any other concerns or questions.
Joseph Graves
Region 2 Access Manager
Ephrata WA
Sounds like they've done about all they can.