You couldn't pay me enough to move to the Butte-Anaconda area, but there are some semi-rural subdivisions just southwest of Bozeman that are just what you are describing as your "dream location." However, be prepared for high-priced property and very cold winters, just as others have described. You may also see some inexpensive property around Libby, MT, but there is a good reason for that too (ie., Superfund).
BTW, I grew up in Arlington and moved away as soon as I was old enough to leave home. That was 55 years ago and the D-FW area has gotten a whole lot more crowded since then. So, I can sympathize with your predicament, but it wouldn't be any better in Denver, Colorado Springs, SLC, Las Vegas, or, especially, Phoenix (IMHO, the worst traffic in the West outside Texas and California).