Agree a solar array is not essential. Neither is a generator, depending on how long you are out, your battery setup, and how power-conscious you are. My longest without needing to recharge has been 5 days.
An air card? If you have cell or wifi service you are not truly boondocking. ;)
I also question a 7 gallon water tank. That is around 60 pounds I would have to lift and pour into the tank. I can do it, but I would be seriously grumbling about it. You can have a portable pump, but then there is no need to limit your refill jug to 7 gallons.
One thing not mentioned is a set of 7.5 minute topo maps of the area. Downloaded off the internet while in the last wifi hot spot before heading into the hills. Or orthophoto quads.
The arsenal is also subjective. We boondock in some pretty remote areas too. So remote no one ever finds us. No miscreant intent on evildoing is going to cruise the backcountry twotracks looking for easy prey. We also are armed, but for 4 legged pests.