Forum Discussion

naysmitj's avatar
Nov 07, 2015

New travelling with cat

What do we need to do to take our cat across the border into U.S.A. from Canada?
Indoor only cat so no real recent shots.

  • We travel with 2 cats in the USA and have stayed at many th parks....we've always told them we have cats and we've never been asked if they're vaccinated. You only have to worry about crossing the border.....follow their rules.
  • Most parks will require that cats, as well as dogs, have rabies shots. Get it done. There are some areas in the US where rabies is endemic and one would be foolish not to get their pet vaccinated. Also, I'd suggest getting your pet chipped and vaccinated for all normal cat diseases just in case they get out. While you might think they won't there is always a chance that they will.

  • Click on the section for pets under US Customs and go to the second paragraph.

    "Importation of cats and dogs is regulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC requires that dogs and cats be healthy upon arrival and that dogs are vaccinated against rabies, unless they are being imported from a rabies-free country."

    Dogs and cats need to be healthy, dogs need to be vaccinated against rabies.
