Wait,Wait Wait,, Hold the bus....Ok,, so no restrictions on using my 1200 watt microwave, or running my Tv/dvd satellite stereo player,, but NO on a 1000 watt heater?? Plus $2 extra a day to run A/C?? If i paid the $2,, I would be wearing a winter coat and get my $2 worth of A/c!! Or,, I'd wait and see if they caught me,, Does each site have a meter? They better have a running list of who paid and who didn't!
Hey here's a novel idea!!
Raise your price by $5 a night and forget about the restrictions!!
If I am paying $50 a night,, I can stay at a motel 8 for $50 a night and freeze meat if I want!! Or bask in 90 degree heat!
Nonsense,, just pure nonsense! I bet they would charge me extra to light all my outdoor lights and tell me my smoker smoke couldn't leave my site!!
Another place to avoid!! Hell if I wanted restrictions like that,, i become a criminal and be happy in jail!!