joebedford wrote:
I think "the lady" was confused about Bell TV and Shaw Direct. Bell doesn't work in the USA anymore.
While Anik G1 does not cover southern USA, there is apparently no immediate plan to discontinue using the other birds that CAN be received in the USA. Remains to be see how the channels are split over the 3 Shaw satellites.
Anik F1R is suppose to be in operation until 2020 so they should have stations on it for a while (although it's worth mentionning that F1R was launched in 2005 to replace Anik F1 which was degrading faster that anticipated so it's possible that F1R won't reach it's anticipated 15 year lifespan either).
As far as the OPs complaint that he needed a 2nd account, that's pretty common. I believe if you read the fine print, they allow multiple connections on an account but they have to be at the same physical address. If you want to receive it in your home and in your RV, you need 2 accounts (it gets a bit greyer if you take the receiver from your house and move it temporarily to the RV and back to the house but even then, I suspect the fine print says that the services must be used at the account address).