I must confess that I find the original poster's message somewhat confusing. There should be service in PEI with no problem. Did the original poster set up a new dish? or bring his receiver with him and hook up to an existing dish? or where is the original account dish location? or are there two different LNB's involved- ie older type dish and new dish? To me much more information is needed to accurately diagnose the problem.
I have had no problem moving locations and setting up the dish to receive a signal.
With regards to the US, Shaw has consistently acknowledged that the new satellite will not cover the US due to frequency restrictions but that they had no intention to stop using the existing satellites- unlike Bell who never did like us using the service in the US. Unless Shaw has changed their policy their should be coverage in the US in the future. My contact at Shaw said they are well aware of their RV clients, etc. who depend on Shaw for coverage in the South. Before I switched, I inquired as to any possible change in policy and was told there would be no change in coverage for existing programming. The G satellite would be used for new HD channels and they would not be available in the south.
I would like more details from the OP to figure what is happening.