Forum Discussion

4runnerguy's avatar
Dec 16, 2013

Norris CG, YNP experiences

We have always gotten reservations when camping at Yellowstone, but with our flexibility, I'm looking at options to extend our stay past our reservation window. Norris would be my first choice of CG's w/o reservations as it has flush toilets and allows generators.

I'm curious what your specific experience has been with Norris CG. Did you try to get in but it was full? Did you get in and how early did you arrive? In both cases, can give me an idea of what month it was? Also, does it seem to make any difference whether it is a weekend or not?

Thanks to all who respond.
  • Norris is a large campground, it's not too hard to get a spot somewhere. I find it much easier than, say, Pebble Creek or Slough Creek.

    However, if you want a spot in the uber-desirable A loop, overlooking the meadow and stream, you'll have to get there early and have a bit of luck.

    I sometimes make my own luck by parking and walking through the loop chatting up campers. A couple of times people who were leaving that day have offered me their spots.
  • Thanks for your experiences. Sound's like it means getting up early and circling like vultures to get a spot at times. Been there, done that, still picking the meat from between the teeth. ;)
  • Hi Ken!

    Switched from Madison to Norris this last summer, on August 6th (Tuesday).

    We broke camp at Madison by 6:45, and were setup by 7:30 at Norris.

    THEN we had breakfast. That was the correct choice, as a half a hour later there were quite a few more folks circling for spots. I would try to get there by 7. Would you get one later, probably, as more were packing up later on. You will just spend more time looking.

    Was my first time at Norris, since I generally hop to the opposite side of the park after Madison. I would go back. Bit more rustic than Madison, which is my preference.

    The entire week's visit was impromptu, rain in Colorado forced us northward. Was able to call and get two nights at Madison two days out, then hopped the rest of the stay. Had always avoided July/August before because of crowds, but really was quite manageable. Just do crowded activites early, and hike the crowded times. Very pleasantly surprised.
  • We were at Norris two years ago in September. It was pretty busy, but we did manage to get a site - there were a few open. Here are some comments and pictures of our stay there.

    Ted H.
  • Picture of site 8, in A loop at Norris CG June 11, 2012. IIRC we arrived about 11AM on June 8th. There were a number of sites available. We took the most level site, checked posts to see sites that would empty the next morning, got up early and moved to site 8, IMO one of the best at Norris.