you can look up The enchanted highway on the way from Bismarck to Medora.
Be sure to take in the Pitch Fork Fondue at Medora. They serve it just before the show. You can get tickets ahead of time in town.
The Bonanza buffet (in Mandan) serves Knoeple soup on the buffet... that's a German dumpling soup. It's quite good.
If you drive through Linton ND *on hwy 83 about 30 miles from the SD state line... there's a bakery in Linton ... called the Model bakery. Still makes everything the same way they did back in the 60's. Their Kuchen is out of this world. I completely filled my freezer with it before I left there last time. It's a German custard pie but the crust is more like a sweet bread than a pie crust. My fav is rhubarb but the cherry is incredible too. Hubby likes prune. they also make a wedding kuchen but that is a lot different than the custard kind. I can eat one of those by myself, easy.
You don't have to take hwy 83 to Interstate to get to Bismarck... from Linton you can take a paved road west and get on hwy 1804 and go north along the river road to Bismarck. It's quite beautiful.
Bismarck has a German's from Russia heritage site where you can find information in very little time if you have just a few key bits of information. I found the passenger list from 1865 where my great grandfather came over to the USA bringing his family to America. My grandfather was 3 years old. They have a wealth of books there to look through and/or purchase about the struggles of the early settlers. There are several area cook books for sale - mostly published by area church's whose members have contributed recipes.