Lauren wrote: all due respect a very high percentage of people cannot hike 10 miles, particularly at altitude. Having lived at nearly 8000 feet for many years and thinking nothing of hiking 10-12 miles at 11,000 feet we would have been (note that is past tense) able to do it easily. Age has taken over.
But even younger, less experienced hikers could not do that.
And I am not saying there are NO views (of course there are); but a very limited viewing of the Grand Canyon.
The whole area is the Grand Canyon National Park. What is there that can not be seen ? :S
You may be older than I, age has very little to do with it. I am 69 with COPD and have hiked every trail several times including rim to rim last April with our 5 and 7 yer old grandsons. Hiked down, stayed over at Phantom Ranch, hiked out the next day, so dont say it cant be done. If one only goes to the popular vista points, they are missing the canyon experience.
The average time spent by visitors is three hours. That tells me that they only go from vista point to vista point, missing all the beautiful areas of the park.