agesilaus wrote:
No, not right. But, guess not much to do about it if owners will not take care of reported problem.
Agreed, post a nasty review in campgroundreview, and don't go there again. We have had a few such experiences in 40 years of camping. You get the bad with the good. Happily there is a lot more good.
Absolutely. One of my pet peeves is when a business of any sort will not enforce their own rules. And I would ask for a refund. They are guilty of breech of contract by not enforcing quite hours. Having quiet hours not start until 12:30 is nuts. Most cgs I've been in start at 10 or 11, with a rare exception to midnight, and go to about 7 in the a.m. You don't want to prevent people from sitting quietly around a fire at night but stopping the loud groups is only common decency.