I've been hearing on another site that Seaside is actually more "big rig friendly" and considering going there first instead of South Jetty, although that adds 2 more hours of driving on July 2nd. Then I could head south during the second part, maybe skip Pacific and go to South Jetty second. But which camp to stay at longer? The original plan was to arrive on the 2nd and stay 4 nights which would pull me out on a Thursday after the Holiday, which hopefully would increase my chances of getting a better spot. I guess I could stay 7 nights first in Seaside which would pull me out on Sunday the 8th and get me to Jetty in the afternoon on the 8th, and I would stay there 4 nights and leave to go back home the following Thursday. So I guess the question is, where should I spend more time? North Oregon coast or South Oregon coast?